Thursday, May 27, 2021

COVID 19 👿 Victory over humanity?🤔

Totally Devastated .. and angry with everyone around me God ( whosoever Jesus,Allah or Shiva) ,the people who do politics in name of God , The Government everyone; including me I am angry with myself.

Got up to the news of my friends wife who is 25 after delivering a girl baby passed away due to COVID 19 . Leaving her 5 days old baby and husband alone. After hearing the news I couldn’t hold myself but called up my friend who was literally sobbing helpless with just the baby . The mother of the baby just wanted to deliver the baby safe even after suffering so much to breathe due to COVID.That’s the love of a mother .So hey u the bloody virus 🦠.. spineless,emotionless organism . U can kill people not their humanity. Yes u killed her not the love she had for the baby .Many doctors , nurses,police frontline workers are losing their lives. They are today’s soldiers fighting the virus . We salute all the superheroes.

But SOCIETY.. that’s u and me are we giving enough respect to them ?NO . We have seen many cases in INDIA instead of treating them like GODS.. not even close we are treating them very wrong . The homeowners are asking the doctors,nurses to vacate the houses. God dammit understand they are serving us.Pls try to help and co operate with them.

There are many selfless people who are serving too. Many of my friends give food to homeless people on streets , Finacial support. One of my friend named abhinay ,collected 16 lakhs to provide oxygen to the suffering not about the money let me tell u another example in the first Covid wave we thought our school group will collect funds as our teachers were not getting paid . Many contributed whatever they can but what gave me goosebumps is my friend Swetha who was not getting salary for past few months gave back the amount she can back to the fund, another friend Ratnamala she gave a significant amount I asked her u stay in India  and it’s really a big amount and what she told made me awestruck , no prob ruby I will cancel my daughter’s bday party. There are many many such examples. Normal lay people who are helping each other . Yes have trust in GOD ;but my friend believe U and me become Gods when we help each other . Let not the virus break the humanity in us.I know whatever  may be 10% are selfish but the rest 90% are fighting back with the virus by showing humanity . I believe till the last human is alive on earth ,humanity will be alive. 

 We humans have seen many such disasters viruses causing havoc and dealt with all of them . Start from the Spanish flu, cholera, chicken pox, measles, polio many to list and it’s not a new thing to us . We invented vaccines and we overcame . The same with Covid 19 too, we have the vaccine and in the process to get vaccinated;in the meanwhile let us hang in there.Lets show love ❤️ to each other in these tough times and be there for each-other.

Let me end it by the  lyrics of song from my all time favorite movie Anbe Sivam For people who reach the path of love there is no end instead the magnanimity of your heart dictates the length of your Life. COVID 19 U can kill hearts not the love in the hearts of people . U r just a virus 🦠 we will overcome and conquer you . As I already told till the last human is alive on earth 🌍 humanity will be alive. 


Monday, May 17, 2021

Back to blogging after a decade🤔 phew ..🧐

 My last blog was in 2012 . I love 💕 writing and blogging was my new love back then.. I was working in kaar technologies and a dear friend Naren introduced me to blogs. I talk a lot😉 and started falling in love with the thought of putting my thoughts in blogs. The connection was very immediate and Fell in love with blogging and created my own blog.

In meanwhile from 2012 I had various ups and downs in life. I married my dear husband in 2013 , moved to USA 🇺🇸.Had my baby 👶,my blessing in 2016 and he is 4 1/2 years now. I was going through my blog and was wondering about my lost love.I felt good reading my old blogs. I thought I should post at least once a week .

Nice getting back on track.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Hi has been quite a long since i have updated anything.Do i sound a lil crazy ITS MY LIFE and I LOVE THE WAY I AM....awwwh may be and may be not🤔.Many of you may be thinking i have got a serious" I PROBLEM" but cant help it.I need to write about myself so that if i change in the years to come i can look back to how i was right? i know i am confusing but thats wat I am💁.First of all wat people think about me(sssshhh many of my frenz told me) I look proudish , over confident,stubborn,"over scence" may be thats wat i am..and I love being myself coz at the end of the day its me.

  • My mom yells at me"baby you are a girl behave yourself don't talk louder,dont laugh louder,dont question anyone its not necessary to prove everyone u are bold"common mummy...may be some of your points are true but why should a girl go calm against injustice and unlawful happening in the society?do you say Jhansi lakshmi bhai,kalki,kanaki are not women? Its not that i resemble them..I cant keep my mouth shut to injustice.
  • The greatest advantage of being urself is you dont need to remember wat you spoke..I mean watever you speak is wat you are😉.you dont need to act differently to different people.
  • May be coz I am a leo born i have the attitude of DAM CARE THE SOCIETY;Why should i live for the society?when I cry the same society will laugh at me,if you are someone to cry when i cry and laugh when i laugh there you are,I CARE YOU
  • I believe in Fairy stories and my favourite are Rapunzel,Snow white& Cindrella and I believe in Love stories 💕like Twilight,Reedming love etc
  • I have lot of frenz and i value true friendship(yes I mean TRUE frenz) just few of my views on True frenz.
  • And finally I was born a Orginal I dont wanna die a copy.wat so ever people say I am like this :and yes if something is really bad about myself ?yes i will change☺️I LOVE MYSELF THE MOST.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Full moon day...Love it.

Besanth Nagar beach obvious visit for me on a full moon day. Awwh... the full moon light on sea water inevitably a feast for eyes.

The best part of Chennai are the beaches ;Besanth nagar beach with Mother Mary's Shrine located near the beach is my first choice.Ever since a baby i was fascinated by various stories related to nila(moon) and the fascination still continues.

Never wanna miss this beautiful view in my life

Friday, August 12, 2011

Independence day-15th August

Happy Independence day wishes to all Indians.Childhood memories of Independence day still lingers fresh in my mind.The school parade,march fast,the prize distribution..Miss them :(

Even though not satisfied with the politicians and the present situations still I proudly say I LOVE INDIA . The diversified cultures,the beautiful places in India,one must visit India at least once in his life time.

To the world about India:

  • India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
  • The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4 th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
  • According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
  • Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty stricken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
  • The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
  • The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works dates to the 6 th Century which is long before the European mathematicians.
  • Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11 th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 10 53.
  • According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
  • USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
  • The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
  • Chess was invented in India .
  • Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India .
  • When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley ( Indus Valley Civilisation) .
  • Histories mentioned that Kalaripayattu is the mother of all the martial arts in the world
  • The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
A long list follows about the beautiful geographic locations,monuments etc etc..

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saint Christina( My Patron Saint)

Hiya frenz, have come up with something religious this time.Wanna know the origin of my name RUBELLA CHRISTINA,Here it comes...

As in every home the discussion starts for naming a baby,so did it happen in my case:),many suggestions from all the people around me.My granny after trying out many names; some how suggested Rubella and as i was born on July 24 my patron saint name can me added and finally i was named Rubella Christina.Just love my name.

As i celebrated my birthday yesterday,thought i can share something about Saint Christina.Saint Christina was the daughter of a rich and powerful magistrate named Urban. Her father, who was deep in the practices of paganism, had a number of golden idols. His young daughter broke them, then distributed the pieces among the poor. Infuriated by this act, Urban became the persecutor of his own daughter. He had her whipped with rods and thrown into a dungeon. Christina remained unshaken in her faith. Her tormentor brought her forth to have her body torn by iron hooks, then fastened to a rack beneath which a fire was kindled. But God watched over His servant and turned the flames back toward the onlookers, several of whom perished.

The torments to which this Young girl was subjected would seem as difficult to devise as to imagine; but God was beside her at all times. After a heavy stone was attached to her neck, Saint Christina was thrown into the lake of Bolsena, but was rescued by an Angel and seen wearing a stole and walking on the water, accompanied by several Angels. Her father, hearing she was still alive, died suddenly amid atrocious sufferings. A new judge succeeded him, a cruel pagan experienced in persecuting the Christians. He tried to win her by reminding her of her nobility, suggesting she was in serious error. Her reply infuriated him: “Christ, whom you despise, will tear me out of your hands!” Then Saint Christina suffered the most inhuman torments. The second judge also was struck down by divine justice. A third one named Julian, succeeded him. “Magician!” he cried, “adore the gods, or I will put you to death!” She survived a raging furnace, after remaining in it for five days. Serpents and vipers thrown into her prison did not touch her, but killed the magician who had brought them there. She sent them away in the name of Christ, after restoring the unfortunate magician to life; he was converted and thanked the God of Christina and the Saint. Then her tongue was cut out.

The Saint prayed to be allowed to finish her course. When she was pierced with arrows, she gained the martyr’s crown at Tyro, a city which formerly stood on an island in the lake of Bolsena in Italy, but has since been swallowed up by the waters. Her relics are now at Palermo in Sicily. Her tomb was discovered in the 19th century at Bolsena, marked with an inscription dating from the 10th century.

Hope I will be guided by my patron Saint to walk in Gods path.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Money VS Love

Am I taking on something controversial,may be :).Money Vs Love yup there has been always a race.

Working Moms, Busy Dads the society is running after westernization. In western countries the work timings,the flexi hour work makes them spend ample time with kids and family. Is it the same in country like INDIA were the work hours are from 9 to 7?Left to you guys....

I really pity kids of this generation.I couldn't enjoy my childhood as my mom and dad did,in my sister's kid case summer classes in summer holidays, No family get together s....the enjoyment and fun part of life is reducing from generation to generation.Is life running after money without any family values?I dont blame the working Moms and busy Dads on neglecting their kids and family values, but making time for family is all i am talking about.

Money of course is the most important element in life..there are many things money cant buy and LOVE is one among the big list.