Hi frenz...it has been quite a long since i have updated anything.Do i sound a lil crazy ITS MY LIFE and I LOVE THE WAY I AM....awwwh may be and may be not🤔.Many of you may be thinking i have got a serious" I PROBLEM" but cant help it.I need to write about myself so that if i change in the years to come i can look back to how i was right? i know i am confusing but thats wat I am💁.First of all wat people think about me(sssshhh many of my frenz told me) I look proudish , over confident,stubborn,"over scence" may be thats wat i am..and I love being myself coz at the end of the day its me.
- My mom yells at me"baby you are a girl behave yourself don't talk louder,dont laugh louder,dont question anyone its not necessary to prove everyone u are bold"common mummy...may be some of your points are true but why should a girl go calm against injustice and unlawful happening in the society?do you say Jhansi lakshmi bhai,kalki,kanaki are not women? Its not that i resemble them..I cant keep my mouth shut to injustice.
- The greatest advantage of being urself is you dont need to remember wat you spoke..I mean watever you speak is wat you are😉.you dont need to act differently to different people.
- May be coz I am a leo born i have the attitude of DAM CARE THE SOCIETY;Why should i live for the society?when I cry the same society will laugh at me,if you are someone to cry when i cry and laugh when i laugh there you are,I CARE YOU
- I believe in Fairy stories and my favourite are Rapunzel,Snow white& Cindrella and I believe in Love stories 💕like Twilight,Reedming love etc
- I have lot of frenz and i value true friendship(yes I mean TRUE frenz) http://rubellachristina.blogspot.in/2011/01/true-friends.html just few of my views on True frenz.
- And finally I was born a Orginal I dont wanna die a copy.wat so ever people say I am like this :and yes if something is really bad about myself ?yes i will change☺️I LOVE MYSELF THE MOST.