Totally Devastated .. and angry with everyone around me God ( whosoever Jesus,Allah or Shiva) ,the people who do politics in name of God , The Government everyone; including me I am angry with myself.
Got up to the news of my friends wife who is 25 after delivering a girl baby passed away due to COVID 19 . Leaving her 5 days old baby and husband alone. After hearing the news I couldn’t hold myself but called up my friend who was literally sobbing helpless with just the baby . The mother of the baby just wanted to deliver the baby safe even after suffering so much to breathe due to COVID.That’s the love of a mother .So hey u the bloody virus 🦠.. spineless,emotionless organism . U can kill people not their humanity. Yes u killed her not the love she had for the baby .Many doctors , nurses,police frontline workers are losing their lives. They are today’s soldiers fighting the virus . We salute all the superheroes.
But SOCIETY.. that’s u and me are we giving enough respect to them ?NO . We have seen many cases in INDIA instead of treating them like GODS.. not even close we are treating them very wrong . The homeowners are asking the doctors,nurses to vacate the houses. God dammit understand they are serving us.Pls try to help and co operate with them.
There are many selfless people who are serving too. Many of my friends give food to homeless people on streets , Finacial support. One of my friend named abhinay ,collected 16 lakhs to provide oxygen to the suffering not about the money let me tell u another example in the first Covid wave we thought our school group will collect funds as our teachers were not getting paid . Many contributed whatever they can but what gave me goosebumps is my friend Swetha who was not getting salary for past few months gave back the amount she can back to the fund, another friend Ratnamala she gave a significant amount I asked her u stay in India and it’s really a big amount and what she told made me awestruck , no prob ruby I will cancel my daughter’s bday party. There are many many such examples. Normal lay people who are helping each other . Yes have trust in GOD ;but my friend believe U and me become Gods when we help each other . Let not the virus break the humanity in us.I know whatever may be 10% are selfish but the rest 90% are fighting back with the virus by showing humanity . I believe till the last human is alive on earth ,humanity will be alive.
We humans have seen many such disasters viruses causing havoc and dealt with all of them . Start from the Spanish flu, cholera, chicken pox, measles, polio many to list and it’s not a new thing to us . We invented vaccines and we overcame . The same with Covid 19 too, we have the vaccine and in the process to get vaccinated;in the meanwhile let us hang in there.Lets show love ❤️ to each other in these tough times and be there for each-other.
Let me end it by the lyrics of song from my all time favorite movie Anbe Sivam For people who reach the path of love there is no end instead the magnanimity of your heart dictates the length of your Life. COVID 19 U can kill hearts not the love in the hearts of people . U r just a virus 🦠 we will overcome and conquer you . As I already told till the last human is alive on earth 🌍 humanity will be alive.